Why Full Spectrum Lighting Matters for Grocery Store Design

illuminated shelving

In recent years, the concept of full spectrum lighting has gained traction in grocery store design, offering a range of benefits that extend beyond simply lighting up a space.

Full Spectrum Lighting Creates an Inviting Atmosphere

Full spectrum lighting looks and feels like natural sunlight. It does this by emitting a balanced spectrum of visible light wavelengths. This lighting is known for creating a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere, as well as boosting the look of products. For example, it makes fresh produce looks more vibrant and appetizing. In contrast, traditional lighting can cast harsh shadows and distort colors,

The natural glow of full spectrum lighting evokes feelings of comfort and well-being in your store’s guests. When customers feel like they are in the open air, they’re more likely to stay in your store longer and take the time to consider new products.

Full Spectrum Lighting Makes Products Look Their Best

Full spectrum light enhances color accuracy and contrast, which gives customers a clearer look at your store’s products. It also helps fruit, meats, cheeses and packaged goods show their true colors.

Full Spectrum Lighting Supports Circadian Rhythms and Wellness

Full spectrum lighting has been linked to health and wellness benefits for both customers and employees. Exposure to natural-feeling light helps regulate our circadian rhythms, which play a role in regulating sleep-wake cycles and mood.

For employees who spend extended hours in the store, exposure to naturalistic lighting can help mitigate the effects of fatigue and improve alertness, resulting in a more productive and engaged workforce.

So how do you incorporate full spectrum lighting in your store? 

5 tips for Using Full spectrum Lighting in Your Displays

Our top 5 tips for Using Full spectrum Lighting in Your Displays

  1. Balance Brightness and Color Temperature: Full spectrum lighting offers a balanced spectrum of light wavelengths, but it's essential to adjust brightness and color temperature according to the specific requirements of your store and merchandise. Experiment with different settings to achieve the right lighting to enhance product visibility and appeal.
  2. Create Visual Flow: Use full spectrum lighting strategically to create a visual hierarchy within your store. Highlight key product displays, promotional areas, or focal points by adjusting lighting intensity and direction, drawing customers' attention to specific areas of interest.
  3. Flexibility for Different Zones: Design your lighting system with flexibility in mind, allowing for adjustable settings in different areas of your store. Tailor the intensity, color temperature, and direction of full spectrum lighting to suit the specific needs and atmospheres of various zones such as product displays, checkout counters, and promotional areas. This flexibility enables you to adapt the lighting environment to different times of day, seasons, or promotional events, ensuring optimal visibility and ambiance throughout your store.
  4. Enhance Your Customer Experience: Incorporate full spectrum lighting to create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere that encourages exploration and engagement with products, making shoppers feel comfortable and confident in their purchasing decisions.
  5. Consistency: Make sure you are using full spectrum lighting throughout your store to maintain a cohesive and harmonious ambiance. This will create a seamless shopping experience and reinforces your brand image.
  6. Consider Natural Daylight Integration: Where possible, leverage full spectrum lighting to complement natural daylight in your store. Incorporate skylights, windows, or light tubes to introduce natural light sources, and use full spectrum lighting to supplement and enhance daylight during darker hours. This integration creates a dynamic and inviting atmosphere that closely resembles the outdoors, contributing to a more pleasant shopping experience for customers.